Curate Your Glow at OneSkin

Seasonal Spotlight

Become the Ultimate Insider: Get to know your new favorite dermatologist

By: Rachel Day, M.D.


Welcome! To my blog and to our OneSkin Community. A few things I want to get out up front...I am highly trained in the practice of dermatology...but unvetted in the blogging world. Seriously, that was my version of informed consent.  : )  In fact I have never written a blog, so why would I choose to take up blogging? It's honestly been on my mind for a LOOONG time. Whats kept me from just starting you ask?? 

It's what keeps most people from just starting...fear of not being good 'enough', fear of being vulnerable with myself and others, and because I've believed certain things like procrastination are just part of my DNA and not something I could change. But turns out the first two things are what make community building so special and the last is just not true

As soon as I decided I WAS 'good enough' and that vulnerability is what connects me to my patients and makes me a great doctor, the only thing standing in the way was something only I COULD change. It suddenly became really easy to JUST. GET. STARTED. 

So what can  you expect from my blog? That it's always personal. This is my space to share my musings on all things skin health and wellness. That is about all I can guarantee. Yes I am going to keep it that broad because I just jumped in head first. I need some time to make it to the surface for air....Subscribe and see what that first breath looks like this Sunday!

Give love to your oneskin


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.