Curate Your Glow at OneSkin

End of Summer Specials

More than skin deep...lessons learned and moving forward during the pandemic

By: Rachel Day, M.D.


So, it has been a minute since my blog debut…or several weeks, but we are on Rona’s time so the time moves slowly but still feels like a blur! A couple lessons I learned during that time I will share:

1. It is OK to set the bar too high…as long as you give yourself the space and grace to intentionally and insightfully recognize the bar is TOO high. Ahem…declaring that I will blog twice weekly! My excitement to share this access and vulnerability as part of my #lovemyoneskin journey got the best of me and I decided to focus on meaningful personal content over quantity and scale expectations of myself to a monthly post. So I hope I didn’t disappoint too much and I am happy to have had the time to flesh out how and what I want to share in my personal blogs.  

2. Just because you aren’t moving forward, doesn’t mean you are moving backwards. There is so much to gain by being still. In fact, as a new small business owner I couldn’t be prouder of our team for just holding down the fort these last 8 weeks. For being present, both physically and emotionally, to our patients both established and new. I will be honest that there were weeks in March/April that felt like we were  BUT our commitment to our practice and THE practice of medicine far exceeded our fear, confusion, resource management (ie PPE) and so we are poised to emerge energetically into some forward movement! 

And I’ve got a fun summer wellness series to jump start that momentum to emerge stronger and healthier from the COVID craziness! 

Anne Bertram, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and founder of When Nourished and I are collaborating on a series of easy, healthy, revitalizing summer recipes! And we want YOU to join in on the experience as we nourish our bodies and minds with locally sourced, farm fresh produce (and other goodies) from Country Creek Produce Farm and Bending Bridge Farm! 

Each of us have signed our families up for a community-supported agriculture (CSA) weekly share and here is why you should too:  

What is community-supported agriculture?

A CSA is a system that connects producers (LOCAL FARMS ie SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS) and consumers (YOU and ME) to buy local, seasonal food directly from farmers. 

Why consider joining a CSA?

The closer we are to our food in time and space, the better it is for us. The more that we support and invest in our local economies the better it is for us. It’s a win win all around! 

Visit for more information on Country Creek Produce Farm in Chambersburg, PA and to sign up for a box of amazing fruits and veggies this summer into fall. Enter promo code COUNTRYCREEK for 15% before May 31st!  

What if I’m not sure I want to commit to a box of produce EVERY week?

Go ala cart! The goal of our summer series is to bring fun, intention and a little spontaneity into meals during this bountiful season…And to support our small business peeps who bring so much in their presence in our communities that we all benefit if only indirectly. 

Lastly, be sure to check out Anne at . She is seeing clients at OneSkin Dermatology in Chambersburg, PA for one-on-one health and wellness coaching! As a client and a friend, you couldn’t ask for a better guide to learning how to eat foods that bless your body and still leave room for those that don’t : ). 

Give love to your OneSkin, 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.