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End of Summer Specials

How a simple skincare routine has helped Dr. Day during the pandemic

By: Rachel Day, M.D.


It goes without saying that hardly anything in our daily lives feels normal or routine right now. There are many mornings when I wake that I almost forget that we are living through a pandemic. I’m sure I can’t be the only one. 

Like my morning coffee, my skincare routine has been a pre-COVID fixture in my life. When talking to friends and patients about how our new normal has been affecting us, a common theme has been a sense of loss of control. Many of our normal rhythms in life have been completely disrupted, creating sometimes high levels of stress. And yet the sequence of actions I instinctually perform to start and end my day, bring an immense amount of calm and control. This bookend ritual punctuates the many other aspects of my day that are unpredictable. 

It seems underwhelming that something so simple like a skincare routine could be a symbol of stability and control. For me, it provided a lens to look at other aspects of my daily routines and find strength in those small choices that I get to make several times a day. It also reinforces for me that the actions we take and routines we create are an expression of self-love.

Take a moment to think about your routines. What daily anchors do you have empowering you? 

In addition to this new found empowerment I get from my skincare routine, at baseline it keeps my skin looking refreshed and that feels really good right now. Especially since some of my other self-care choices have included near daily baking and late night Netflix binges :) And I’m not even mad about it.

Here's to celebrating the small wins like a super fly fresh face!

Not sure how to start your self-care skincare routines? Not a problem. I’ll walk you through mine next post.

Give love to your OneSkin,


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.